Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The best playground ever.

So I think we should have a playground like this in every city. It could be used either to lock the children in as you go do something fun. Or you could lock the children out denying them from having any fun. I like the second option best.

So this made me laugh hysterically. I mean, not only does the father look like he has spooge on his face, he is eating a product called super dickmans which looks like an ice cream filled lump of shit. Lovely.

Texts from last night.

So was on fire today. Check these out:

(901): Dude love is like an itch. You fuckin scratch it, then it itches more, then you scratch it and it itches more, and before you know it, there is semen everywhere.(376): you are insane

(303): normal stoners make pot brownies. gay stoners make pot chocolate covered cherries on a cinnamon graham cracker crust which by the way are very effective.

(630): is it true that cum stays in you for 7 years?(815): that's gum

(707): Regardless, you never quit out of your interenet. You left your porn on the living room comp. Then you passed out four feet from the chair with your hand still down your pants. We decided that we should go back to her place instead. Worlds best wingman.

(480): So right when I was pulling her underwear off with my teeth, she told me, "Stick your penis in my 'nanners." Needless to say, there was no penis-'nanner interaction.

(812): My girlfriend went down on me and as she did she hummed the theme from star wars and pretended my dick was a lightsaber...I'm buying the engagement ring tomorrow

(858): i mean you're really good at taking the morning after you could put that on your resume..(720): yeah, i think fast in a bad sitatuion and am able to react with appropriate measures

(978): Spent $1500 on bottle service and have a lump on my head from hitting the nightstand while puking. Excess? Nooo Success.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oh Edward, you're so dreamy...

So I just saw this on carly's away message and it is awesome. For some reason i'm totally not surprised that there are so many edward cullen sims, i mean R-Pats is a phenomenon right now. I like the more vampy white ones. Too bad they dont have million diamonds skin as an option.

I guess the real questions is: How many Bella's are there? I mean, really, does anyone like her? She is so obsessive and whiny, and really that's about it. She sux! If I had the sims I would make a bella just to make the sims world suckier.

Unicorns never get old...

They are real!!!

Pretty much completely awesome. I think Ted sent me this. Check out the reasons not to date a tyrannosaurus rex. I CHOOSE UNICORN!

Bears love you!

So Carly sent me this website a while ago. After laughing hysterically I saved all the pictures. But you should check them out in their "natural habitat. My favorite is the team building one.

Comic that reminds me of me

So Ryan got me started on Penny Arcade - its this really funny website where they post weekly comics. This is one of my favorites and reminds me of those 18 hr WoW days... Ah, those were good times...
Check out the site for some lolz